Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Post... again!

Yesterday we all went to the dumplingdaddy's workplace for their Trick or Treat Party. This will be Adam's fourth time joining the party. So far he's been a cowboy, a (lame) vampire, and a surgeon (photos here).

Last year, we dressed him up as an Iphone.

We won first place for that costume. It was a fun project to make. What made it fun is that 90% of the work for this costume was done by my husband, hehehe. Who knew he could be crafty, huh? Adam also had a lot of fun. During this time he was soooo addicted to his dad's iphone so he was pretty game in putting his costume on.

Thelittledumpling also came in as The Cat in the Hat last year, for his school's Trick or Treat Party.

This time the costume was made by me. I didn't have a sewing machine back then, so I just DIY'd the hat using some paper felt, cartolina, and lots of glue. The oversized bowtie is made of felt and is worn around the neck with a little elastic strap. As you can see, we used the same black top and bottom for both costumes. That's value for your money. hehehe.

This year will be the first time that we're going to the Trick or Treat party with two kids in tow. This is also my first Halloween with Simang (who by the way, is churning up pretty snazzy products these days I will soon christen her metamorphosis to "Samantha"). I wanted matching outfits. I knew I don't want them to come out as the usual princess/prince combo. All my thoughts always come back to this picture I saw last year, during my last trimester with the little riceball...

image source
So I went with it. Thelittledumpling already had a chef costume from his culinary class in school. All that needed to be done is to make the lobster outfit. So I made this.

Sometimes it still amazes me how cute and how tiny baby clothes are. All this I made from 1 yard of knit fabric! The tights and top can still be worn as separates long after Trick or Treat is done. I didn't want to slave over making these clothes and just make her wear it one time!

Adam went with this costume

Top and bottom from his culinary class uniform. Chef hat made by me.

Together, thelittledumpling and his littlericeball sidekick won first place (again). Woot!

Now, what costume would they be wearing next year?

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