Sunday, November 4, 2012

My week on instagram

I have so much in my mind right now I haven't had time to put things down in writing. Trick or Treat is (sadly) over, although I think I can still squeeze out one more halloween post before I put this whole thing to rest. Right now my lungs seriously hate me. The weather plus exhaustion has gotten the best of me. I usually have one bad case of asthma every year, and I'm crossing my fingers that this is it for me because I seriously don't want to get sick anymore. Cough! Cough!

This end of year crunch is a pretty busy year for events coordinators, and I am now feeling the burn. I wish I get better soon so I can be useful. I've been crocheting like a crazy cat lady. My fingers hurt, thedumplingdaddy looked at it and said I should give my crochet hooks a rest if I want to feel better. hehe. But I can't help it. I have a lot of stocking up to do in my shop, especially now that in a few weeks I will be participating in a bazaar (my first ever). 

I might be sitting my arse off all week, but I sure was a busy instagrammer! Here is a look at the life of this littledumplingmomma. Follow me on instagram, @goldego

Stocking up on toy satchels and nursing covers. The toy satchels are filled with therapy toys (nuts and bolts, lacing/beading toys). I've run out of supplies that I need another divi run before this week ends!

Under the covers, sucking faces with this guy! Ugh! Not my idea of  a morning cuddle. Sucks to start the week sick, and on thelittledumpling's sembreak pa!

Tuesday morning we still went to thedumplingdaddy's workplace to go Trick or Treating. No amount of coughing and hacking will stop me from coming to this party. I seriously love thelittlericeball's face under her lobster cap. hehe! They won first place and received lots of goodies! 

Another sewing project! I can't find a nice FREE golf hat pattern on the web, so i cut out one of my boy's hats so I can figure out how to make them. teehee!

On All Souls' Day we lit candles and offered flowers for my brother. It's hard to get through that day without being nostalgic. I started this painting soon after he passed away, never finished it. Never really painted again since, and I thought this got thrown out already. Can't help but marvel at the time that has passed. Sometimes I still can't believe he's gone.

These days thelittledumpling is extra sweet on his little sister. I'm so happy to finally see sibling love blossoming between the two. I am grateful. Extremely grateful. 

Another sibling shot! Taken before heading to the cemetery to visit my brother, again.

Another sibling shot. Last one for this week, promise. This was early morning, the riceball was poking her brother's eyes, pulling his hair. That woke my dumpling up. He still had a smile on his face despite being woken up in such a brash manner. Adorable. 

Bobbypinwheels! Corny name for a new product. I still haven't decided on what to call them. My riceball won't crack a smile. Maybe it's too pink for her taste.

Peace, love, and bobbypinwheels:
