Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Trick or Treat

 Since being a mom, Halloween is slowly becoming one of my favorite holidays. I am enjoying this part where my kids are not old enough to tell me what costumes they want, hahaha! This week, the littledumpling and his littlericeball sidekick went trick or treating as the wildlife expert and his zebra.

This is the Alpha's first halloween. It is also the first time we made coordinating costumes. The pink zebra suit was a gifted by my brother. I dressed Adam in khakis and made him a vest so he could be the wildlife expert. I used toilet paper rolls to make his binoculars.

I found it funny that Alpha got scared of this puppy? sheep more than the ghostly black lady!

 Everything was going smoothly. He was game on walking,

accepted his treats,

 he even smiled for pictures! No meltdowns? Are you kidding me? 
I was ready for my happy dance, when at the last stop, we were greeted by 

 A pool in sight and he's not allowed to swim? I was waiting for a grand tantrum, waiting for other parents to roll their eyes and sweep their kiddos away from me like the plague.
I can see the beginnings of his meltdown simmering in his face. Here's a picture (Yeah, I did take a picture first before doing anything about it. Mom of the Year material I am not), 
 And that was the end of it. It just simmered and then it was gone. Guess my little man's growing up. Guess I got lucky. Whatever it is, I am glad. 

Happy Trick or Treating!

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